OSBC First Contract Bargaining Report #1

Today, April 4, 2024, the CWA Local 13101 Bargaining Committee reported:
In an historic first for OSBC, CWA opened bargaining on a first agreement on behalf of the employees of the Office of the State Bank Commissioner.
CWA presented a comprehensive proposal for settlement including terms and conditions of employment, Grievance and Arbitration procedure, Improvements in Vacation, Sick Time, Personal Days and Holidays.
We also proposed Compensation time improvements and overtime.
We also provided a reasonable wage proposal for one year contingent on a one year overall agreement for our first contract.
The OSBC is reviewing our proposals and will respond to your Bargaining Team, Thursday April 11.
As you should be aware, any contract reached must be ratified by the membership no later than April 30th for wages to be effective in July 2024. Once/IF an agreement is reached, we will call a general meeting of the members for consideration and ratification vote. This meeting may be called on short notice, so stay tuned.
Thank You for all your support.
Your Bargaining Committee,
John Petrini CWA Staff
Michael Watson 13101 President
Merideth Zeigler
Sulman Gill
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